If I won’t be able to answer in the cbox today, it means that we’re transferring the server to its permanent location.
Well, it’s still 9 AM by the time I post this. We still have to wait for the locator’s office to open and we still have to coordinate with them whether or not we’d be able to transfer the server to theirs (holiday issue). If not, well, we just have to try next week if the odds are good (and if we’re not busy, that is). We’re testing some more things in the game atm, so we could plan for more events (to build up 3 or 4 months with all planned events) and at the same time, check if we might encounter some problems. In my personal test alone, I haven’t even reached Hellen (but I’m already done with Francis). The graphic corrections were already sent yesterday and now I’ll just make sure that we’re not missing some things.
And oh, for those who are in the Luzon area, take extra care of yourselves for this coming weekend. I believe the storm “Santi” will hit land by tomorrow morning. Better be careful and be ready for it.
DanDan is now max capped!
14 years ago