It has come to our attention that there are a lot of questions going on regarding the gameplay of WonderKing PH. Here’s our answer to most questions:
Monsters give very high damage, is it a bug?- No. this is not a bug. The damage was really meant to be that way. This was made since we made our research and in other WK versions, high levels are easy to reach. This new level of difficulty gives a new challenge to players since they hit harder, but giving a chance to stay alive since their defense is low enough. This was given to us by the dev team and nothing has been touched on the damage and balance. So as the system calls it that way, it will stay that way.
How about the prices? I sold my items displaying what should I get, but I only got a part of it?- There’s no mistake in the actual zed that you get. The only problem is that it displays the wrong price. What you get after selling is correct, what you see before you sell is wrong. We already informed the developers about this and they are now making a fix out of this.
The skills drain more MP than before, is this natural?- As we have stated, for now we have not touched the game balance. As for the MP consumption of skills, it is also a part of the system settings that were given to us. We shall not tamper with the balance yet. We shall have our own balance with damage and all calculations, but we have to do numerous tests first before we actually implement it in-game.
The breakout quest has a fatal bug. It disconnects me when I give that up.- We are already aware about this breakout quest. We have researched for this quest and saw 21 breakout quests in total. Since this quest still has a problem, we recommend our players not to touch the breakout quest first. If you happen to get the card from monster drops, sell it to NPCs. Not only you won’t experience the bug, but you can also gain a few Zed from it. We shall ask our developers to remove that item first and return it once it’s fixed.
How about the text? There’s a quest that has blank details. And some NPCs have no script?- These are text problems that we have recently acquired. We are currently fixing the scripts and will soon be updated.
I cannot connect to the server, it says error about the network or unable to connect to server?- This is caused by the huge traffic our servers are getting. We have no problems with the server, but the only problem is that our server’s connection is getting filled every hour that passes. If you are patching for the first time, please have patience since it may take longer than usual. After the first patch, you should be having no problems opening the game again. Also as an alternative, we have already requested a manual patch so our players do not need to wait for the long patching, just download the patch from a different source and install.
We also have seen some bugs and conflicts so far and we would like to thank you guys for your continuous comments about WonderKing.
We do not take your negative comments personally as we believe every little thing that you see in our game could be fixed to make it better. We also do not oblige you to thank us, but instead, we are the one who should thank each and every one of you for still being there no matter what the odds. We deeply thank everyone for supporting WonderKing Online.