Friday, September 11, 2009

From the Tomes of Trag Oul: Combos

First Tome, Fifth Leaf

“ … Alas, the chief of the town has grown tired of these new scoundrels roaming around the land. “They are worthless!” cried the chief. “All they do is roaming around while we are being defeated by the devils!” With all of these new ‘heroes’, or so we call them, only are really a few who are truly fit to be called by such titles. We need a resolution. We have to find a way to teach these people how to battle, how to win against a formidable enemy, but how?

Finally, a group of warriors came in our way. True warriors they are. Returning to town, they carry lifeless bodies of monsters from their hunt. “There are still more where we came from” laughed the ranger. They are only four in the group, but are able to defeat hundreds of creatures, without a single scratch from their bodies. They look terrifying with the blood of creatures all over their armors, but seem friendly enough for me to approach them. One of them, a knight, took off his helm and showed a bright friendly face. He walked towards me as I prepare for a word or two to discuss. “We might be of great help old man” told the knight, “but we still need a little help of our own, the devils grow larger in numbers by the day”. Quite true, since even though we try so hard to eliminate these demons, they return doubling the numbers. A great idea in mind, I replied “We are also in need of great help. We have a lot of warriors in here but they are poor in battle tactics. Help them learn to fight and they’ll help you in your battles”. Combing his hair with his hands, the knight smiled “It will be an honor to fight and teach our fellowmen for Esiore”.

The following morning, there were only a few people in town. Everyone was outside, viewing what could be the greatest lesson the people could ever learn: how to fight..."

The warriors displayed their skills in great fashion which made the pople look with amazement:

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