Change of plans people. Instead of 100 keys, there will be 500 keys to be given away. And the event will be extended from one week to ten days. But all of this will take a cost: This will only be the Closed Beta Test of WKPH.
To clear things up: Closed Beta Test will run for 10 days. To gain access, you must have a Beta Key (which is a combination of username and password). We shall be creating 500 Beta Keys so players may try out WKPH CBT. No more open registrations for Closed Beta, this means the Closed Beta Period shall have limited access. Registrations will be opened before the start of Open Beta.
Remember, only 500 Beta Keys will be given away. So better be prepared as we’re giving those away soon!
Hint: I used to have a collection of TGIF shirts (no, not the series, the restaurant). I dunno, maybe because of the name TGIF that’s why I collect ‘em.
DanDan is now max capped!
14 years ago
Now that is some very good news.I only hope that me and my friends will be able to play.I'll be watching.