Friday, February 26, 2010

2nd Maintenance – February 26, 2010 - Complete

Greetings WonderKing Players!

We shall have a second server maintenance today, February 26, 2010 at 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM. This is to re-adjust new changes to our item mall. Our servers will be back as soon as possible.

Please logoff to the game before we start our Maintenance. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

WonderKing Management

Emergency Maintenance February 26, 2010 - Completed

Greetings WonderKing Fans!

Our servers shall have an emergency maintenance today, February 26, 2010, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Please logoff before maintenance starts to avoid unexpected errors in your accounts.

Thank you for your consideration.
WonderKing Management

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Statement regarding System Gameplay

It has come to our attention that there are a lot of questions going on regarding the gameplay of WonderKing PH. Here’s our answer to most questions:

1. Monsters give very high damage, is it a bug?
- No. this is not a bug. The damage was really meant to be that way. This was made since we made our research and in other WK versions, high levels are easy to reach. This new level of difficulty gives a new challenge to players since they hit harder, but giving a chance to stay alive since their defense is low enough. This was given to us by the dev team and nothing has been touched on the damage and balance. So as the system calls it that way, it will stay that way.

2. How about the prices? I sold my items displaying what should I get, but I only got a part of it?
- There’s no mistake in the actual zed that you get. The only problem is that it displays the wrong price. What you get after selling is correct, what you see before you sell is wrong. We already informed the developers about this and they are now making a fix out of this.

3. The skills drain more MP than before, is this natural?
- As we have stated, for now we have not touched the game balance. As for the MP consumption of skills, it is also a part of the system settings that were given to us. We shall not tamper with the balance yet. We shall have our own balance with damage and all calculations, but we have to do numerous tests first before we actually implement it in-game.

4. The breakout quest has a fatal bug. It disconnects me when I give that up.
- We are already aware about this breakout quest. We have researched for this quest and saw 21 breakout quests in total. Since this quest still has a problem, we recommend our players not to touch the breakout quest first. If you happen to get the card from monster drops, sell it to NPCs. Not only you won’t experience the bug, but you can also gain a few Zed from it. We shall ask our developers to remove that item first and return it once it’s fixed.

5. How about the text? There’s a quest that has blank details. And some NPCs have no script?
- These are text problems that we have recently acquired. We are currently fixing the scripts and will soon be updated.

6. I cannot connect to the server, it says error about the network or unable to connect to server?
- This is caused by the huge traffic our servers are getting. We have no problems with the server, but the only problem is that our server’s connection is getting filled every hour that passes. If you are patching for the first time, please have patience since it may take longer than usual. After the first patch, you should be having no problems opening the game again. Also as an alternative, we have already requested a manual patch so our players do not need to wait for the long patching, just download the patch from a different source and install.

We also have seen some bugs and conflicts so far and we would like to thank you guys for your continuous comments about WonderKing. We do not take your negative comments personally as we believe every little thing that you see in our game could be fixed to make it better. We also do not oblige you to thank us, but instead, we are the one who should thank each and every one of you for still being there no matter what the odds. We deeply thank everyone for supporting WonderKing Online.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Prizes Handout Today

We already handed out most of the prizes of the winners of all events. There are still some winners who haven’t logged in and made their first avatars yet, so we shall give you guys up until Friday to log-in to the game. We cannot send your prizes unless you have created your first characters. Prizes not claimed until Friday will get forfeited.

Event winners (Friendster, Slogan, CBT Rewards, Loyalty Awards, Show Your Gear) who have already created their first characters, we already sent your prizes. You may retrieve your prizes in your gift box. We are still waiting for others to create their first characters in-game!

We also would like to announce that we gave Enzo Santos a special reward for helping us out by uploading a filefront mirror of the WonderKing Client. Without his help, we would not be able to start Open Beta yesterday.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Urgent Message!!!!

Greetings WonderKing Players!

We would like to announce that we are opening the game servers today at 4PM. Please do disregard the earlier post about the release tomorrow. Our network is back on track and players can play WonderKing Online Philippines!

To those who are downloading the client, please be informed that we are temporarily removing the direct download from our servers to minimize the traffic that we get. This is necessary to continue on with the Open Beta release dated today. You may instead download the client via torrent and we are also uploading the client to different mirrors for your convenience.

We repeat: Servers will be up today @ 4pm. Get your game face on and be ready for WKPH Open Beta!!!

WonderKing Management

Open Beta Re-scheduled

Greetings WonderKing Players!

We appreciate your effort in continuously downloading WonderKing Online. We were overwhelmed by the huge traffic our servers got due to the number of players downloading our client simultaneously. More players are still downloading the client at this moment and are servers are still busy feeding huge amounts of data to your computers. Due to this, we shall re-schedule our Open Beta tomorrow to give more time for players to download WKPH. Our download server will still be open for those who continuously download the client, and our torrent file is still up for those who choose this as their option.

We shall give this ample time to those players who are still downloading WonderKing so we can lower down the traffic once we open up the game servers.

WonderKing Management

WonderKing Open Beta Starts Today Feb 23, 2010

Greetings Wonderking Fans!

We would like to announce that WonderKing PH Open Beta will start today at 2 pm. We also would like to add that the new client is already patched, it will only add a few more files before you can log into the game. Please also be reminded that we shall lower down the level cap to 30 at the moment since we are also preparing for the commercial launch and the release of the item mall this week. Once the item mall has been released, we shall raise the level cap according to management agreement.

You can now download the client by clicking the download links in our website and through the official blog. We do apologize for the slow download speed as we are experiencing huge traffic from players downloading WonderKing Online.

For those who still haven't registered, you may register now through our registration page so you can login to WKPH.

See you in-game!
WonderKing Management

*re-adjusted to 2 pm to give an extra hour for players still downloading the WK Client.

Monday, February 22, 2010

WKPH Open Beta starts February 23, 2010

Greetings WonderKing Fans!
Your much awaited release of WKPH is finally here! WonderKing Online Philippines will start Open Beta tomorrow, February 23, 2010 at 1pm! You can now enjoy WonderKing Online with your friends and feel the wonder!

Client Downloads are now also available through these links:

Direct Download


We shall add Download Mirrors Soon

Please be reminded that we shall first limit the level cap to level 30 as we are also preparing for the commercial release and the opening of the item mall this week.

Remember the date: February 23, 2010 at 1pm. What are you waiting for? Register and download now!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Update 02/19/2010

This has been a rough week for all of us. Yes, we know a lot are already complaining about the length of time waiting for WKPH Open Beta. Little did you know that all of us here are working three times as hard as you could imagine. Our IT has been very busy fixing the server, and went back there today to increase the security of our servers. That doesn’t mean that it’s going to be late ok? The game is being uploaded now on our servers. Yes, you are reading this update correctly. The game is already being uploaded in our servers. We are now just waiting for the upload to finish and we can already share the new client with you guys. If you are asking about the release date, yes, we do have an exact date already. But, we still have to wait for the upload to finish before we could finally announce the exact date of open beta.

As you can see guys, the website had numerous updates, including the new Tell a Buddy, and the new layout of the forums. We are doing all our best in preparation of the game. Since the game is already being uploaded to our servers, please do wait for the next update. Our next update would involve the download of the new client and the date of our release. Given the idea of the game upload, you should have an idea of the release date by now ^_^.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tell A Buddy

Want to gain more when our cash shop releases? Then here's your chance!

Event duration is subject to change without prior notice!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Event Winners Confirmation

May we remind everyone that we already sent confirmation messages to all our event winners. Please check your Facebook or Friendster Accounts for messages from WKPH. We shall be giving 5 days for all winners to reply in our confirmation. Failure to do so shall result in automatic cancellation of prize, and prizes will not be carried over to other players.

Upon sending your reply, please provide your registered account username as this will serve as our reference in sending your prize.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Follow up update: 02/12/2010

The web server is back online, an everybody can now register. The forums has been configured to its new home (the new server) and is working now as well. Please be reminded that you do not need to register for a different account to login in our forums. Your game account is already merged to the forum dbase so just login to our homepage and go to the forums. The layout is still in default, but do expect a change on the layout anytime soon.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Registrations are now back up!

Greetings WonderKing Players!

We would like to inform everyone that game registrations are now back online. You may now register for WKPH’s Open Beta. All players who have already registered before the server downtime do not need to register again, as your accounts are already saved in our database. For guides on how to register, please read the post provided in the link below:

Click Here

Thank you for your continued support.

WonderKing Management

Update 02/12/2010

It’s been a few days since we have this kind of update. Eveybody must have been thinking: “what’s happening?”. Well, here’s an update to explain the current situation.

During the past week, we have made an update regarding the uptime of the server with all necessary calculations for you guys to have an idea of the release of the server. During Thursday last week all of our servers are in the locators already (the company that serves as a host for our servers), we also expected that the web will be up by Friday. Only one problem came up, which arrived to us Friday morning, and that is changing of the contract terms on the side of the host. This started into a long discussion regarding the agreements and all legal matters which I personally do not understand. This is one whole reason why we cannot post updates during this time, as negotiations were held during the past few days, and thus, holding up our whole operation and the game’s release.

You guys (our dear players) are not the only ones who got frustrated in this matter, but our main company as well, Ryu&Soft Entertainment Korea. This situation brought so much delay in our schedule when our time is not a luxury we cannot afford. As of the moment, our management has finally settled the conflict in our servers and is back in business. Our homepage is now back online and you may now register for your accounts in Open Beta! Please be reminded that clients are not yet available and will be ready for download next week.

For guides on how to register, please follow this link:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Removal of Cbox and changing of Comment Settings

Effective immediately, the cbox in this blog will be removed due to the recent posts made. We do tolerate complaints and we understand the fact that you guys are frustrated because of waiting. But we cannot tolerate any vulgarities and profanities in our box. So we shall now close down the cbox to limit spammers from doing / posting such things. If you have concerns you want to talk about, we recommend you to go online in our chatroom so we could talk directly.
(Use Internet Explorer for easier access)

Comments on the blog are now also limited as anonymous users can not post comments anymore. If you do not want to get known by us, then do not bother posting anymore. You are the ones who start the flame wars in our blog and we already had enough of these offensive comments.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Update: 02/04/2010

Just a mini-update today… The servers are already being placed to their homes in the locator. [GM] Noir is gone and went to the locator to make sure everything is A-OK. No worries though, placing those servers shall only take a couple of hours. After that, then we’re all set to upload the game in our servers. Since the servers are being set-up today, we might be able to open the website back tomorrow.

Most likely our website will be back up tomorrow noon or afternoon. Be sure to check during those times as registrations will be re-opened! And remember, those who have already registered need not to register again.

Finally everything is coming back together again… Oh by the way… flamers, please do refrain from posting too much regarding your rants. Read all posts carefully and please, don’t say anything bad about the Filipino Community. You keep on complaining about Pinoys pero ang mga dugo nyo, dugong Filipino din. It’s an embarrassment if you are a Filipino and yet you despise pinoys. Have some respect in our race guys. Lahat tayo pinoy, hindi kayo foreigner. So please, stop discriminating our own race.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update: 02/02/2010

We’ve been busy these past few days. A lot of players are now asking about the release of WonderKing Online. We cannot post much about updates during the past few days due to the hectic schedule we have (both management and developers) rushing the release of WKPH. Anyways, we are already in our final steps with the preparation. Our developers have confirmed that our game is already finished, so everything will be back on track soon. The only thing that we need to do now is the transferring of the added servers which will drastically increase the server capacity and also decrease lag issues. We have our servers here, and will be transferred this week (final). We expect Friday to be the start of the uploading of the game server (the program that runs WK inside our servers) with the new patches and updates. This process may take 3 days to be finished as said by our management due to huge files that are going to be uploaded (we have to bear this one, without this upload then there would be no WonderKing). After that, we’ll give some time for everyone to download the new client (during this time, we shall do a final management check into the game for just about 2 days) and I believe you know what happens next. With all these work to be finished, we believe that we can commence Open Beta next week.

As for the website and game registrations, it will be up later this week. Those who have already registered need not to register again. For those who are still unaware, the game registration shall automatically register you to the forums as well. Your nickname will be used as your name in the forums. We are also on the point of manufacturing game cards so we could have an early distribution, we could start the much awaited Item Mall once all cards are distributed.

Kaunting hintay na lang po, we shall start WonderKing Online na din ^_^. All of us are pretty excited as well and we shall rush everything to release it at our expected date.
